The Place Where Everybody Knows Your Name


来认识一下玛丽亚和丹尼斯,她们是华盛顿 College has welcomed since the pandemic began

Maria Boggetti-Sadir and Denisse Rojas Maldonado pictured

每年,九州娱乐官网都会接待学期交换生和一年交换生 from international partner institutions.  Typically, anywhere from 10-20 students attend through the exchange program.

玛丽亚·博格蒂-萨迪尔和丹尼斯·罗哈斯·马尔多纳多是目前的交换生 博格蒂-萨迪尔只参加秋季学期的课程马尔多纳多参加 full academic year. 他们是九州娱乐官网招收的第一批交换学生 自2020年春季大流行开始和该计划以来,学院一直欢迎学生 was put on hold.

九州娱乐官网与全球30多所院校建立了合作关系 意味着学院既可以送学生到这些地方,也可以接待学生 students from other nations.


“向国际学生敞开大门是学院的使命 培养和发展全球公民的目标。 International Education, Global Education Office (GEO). “By welcoming exchange students 为了成为我们社区的一部分,我们邀请他们分享他们的技能,他们的想法, their perspectives and their unique experiences with their peers.”

另一方面,出国旅游的国内学生学会了用不同的方式思考 道路. “他们更有创造性地思考一般问题,以及影响他们的事情 community or even their country,” said Moreno. “In this 道路, you begin to see yourself as a citizen of the world.”

“留学经历的美妙之处在于获得了更好、更深入的了解 of other cultures,” she added. “Through living, studying and socializing in another 在国家,学生可以接触到其他人、系统、服务和文化.“莫雷诺 还提到了学生在这些交流中建立的关系的价值 experiences, which can last a lifetime.

Maria Boggetti-Sadir, Argentina

Maria Boggetti Sadir around campus

博格蒂-萨迪尔将在本学期结束时离开九州娱乐官网,但她获得了成功 从她的经历中,包括与另一名学生的亲密友谊 her home country of Argentina. The pair didn’t know each other prior to arriving in Chestertown, but they quickly became friends and then roommates. Boggetti-Sadir noted 他们甚至住得足够近,他们可以继续看到对方 even when they return home.

她觉得在九州娱乐官网交朋友并不困难,即使是对 someone who is shy or quiet (which she isn’t!) – largely because there is a large group of international students on campus. And even though American culture is more 矜持的她很高兴离开这里,并与我建立了一些亲密的友谊 American students as well.

作为大三学生,她正在学习国际关系,并将于2009年返回加州大学洛杉矶分校 Buenos Aires to complete her undergraduate studies. Her career goal is to work in diplomacy, either for Argentina or an international agency. While she will return 回家完成她的学位,她最终看到自己生活在阿根廷之外, perhaps somewhere in Europe where she can pursue a master’s degree.

她发现自己更喜欢九州娱乐官网那种较小的校园氛围. “Everyone here says hi and knows my name – I like that part,” she said. “你不 get that at a big university.” She also enjoys the focus on school spirit and social 活动.

这里的学术经历也非常不同,这里的重点是各种各样的 整个学期的课堂经验有助于你的成绩 课程——演讲、讨论、项目——而不是最后的一场大考试 这个术语的.  The classes are also much smaller than what she experienced at UCA.

“这里所有的教授和工作人员总是愿意帮助我,”她说. “我有 felt this whole time as if I am at home.”

“The education system here differs is so many aspects,” she said. “In Argentina, you don’t live on campus. Here, you eat with your friends, take classes with your friends and live with your friends in the same residence halls.”

博格蒂-萨迪尔强调要利用现有的许多机会 学习之余,参加水上运动俱乐部,上舞蹈课,玩耍 网球和参加校内足球——尽管那是特别的经历 landed her on crutches for four days!

她还有许多其他难忘的经历,包括她第一次去医院 这恰好是她在切斯特敦的第一个晚上,庆祝她21岁st 生日. “我以为又会是一天,和平常不一样 “在阿根廷庆祝,”她说,“但结果是令人难以置信的一天 by a lot of love.”

博格蒂-萨迪尔真正怀念的一件事是食物和坐着的体验 down to a meal at home, which often happens at 8, 9 or even 10 p.m. And while she 和她的家人很亲近,她说她甚至没有时间去想念他们.


Denisse Rojas Maldonado, Honduras

Denisse Rojas Maldonado in front of Washington College entrance高年级学生丹尼斯·罗哈斯·马尔多纳多(Denisse Rojas Maldonado)在内布里哈大学(Nebrija University)进行一整年的交流 in Madrid, Spain. She is also studying International Relations, with a minor Conflict 决议. A native of Honduras, Maldonado will remain in the US after completing 在九州娱乐官网进行学术交流,然后去美国实习 Nations Refugee Program.

马尔多纳多选择交换经历有几个原因,但其中一个原因是她很简单 loves to travel and experience other cultures. “I think it’s important to immerse yourself in the culture and have first-hand experiences,” she said. “This helps you understand why people feel the 道路 that they do.”

马尔多纳多选择九州娱乐官网进行她的留学经历,因为她想 to attend a school that had proximity to both Washington, D.C. and New York. 参加 文理学院对她也很有吸引力,尤其是注重参与 and expressing yourself.

从一个大城市来到切斯特敦是一个很大的不同,但马尔多纳多实际上 更喜欢它. “人 al道路s assume I like the city better, but no,” she said. “在这里 I feel welcome. You really get to know people. In the city, everything moves so fast. 在这里,你和某人一起上课,然后你分享一顿饭或一杯咖啡. 人 are al道路s there to offer you something.”

马尔多纳多发现,国际学生之间形成了一种紧密的联系,这是另一回事 aspect of the experience that she really likes. “We are all in the same situation, so it’s a shared experience that we all have,” she said. They have taken a few trips, including visiting Washington, D.C. and Annapolis. They also participated in the Intramural Soccer league as a team.

马尔多纳多说:“那些走出舒适区的人鼓舞了我. “I 我认识的人,我知道他们是这么多的经验和影响的组合. 我也喜欢把自己推向下一个极限,不想过得太舒服.”

在联合国实习结束后,马尔多纳多认为她的下一站可能是 因为她也想在埃及有一次身临其境的体验. 至于 她的职业目标,马尔多纳多的长期计划是有一天回到洪都拉斯 role that supports women.

In the meantime, she’s figuring it out along the 道路!  “I’m 道路 too young, and the world is changing so fast. I really want to be out there and to see the world – not through a book, but experiencing it for myself,” she said.

马尔多纳多计划在她在华盛顿的剩余时间里吸收她所能吸收的一切 College, which has been all positive. “It’s like taking a deep breath here,” she said. “I’ve loved it so much.”